Four Core Relationships
Intimate relationship with God
We are made for relationship with God. Jesus gave his life so that this relationship may be restored. The Holy Spirit dwells within us as we pursue this relationship through the ancient practices of baptism, communion, silence, sabbath, prayer, fasting, scripture reading, fascination and wonder.
Honest relationship with yourself
Many of us never discover the story God created for us. We’re preoccupied with crafting a “false self” to cover our shame and our fear. Jesus invites us to discover our “true self.” We take steps to become our true self by listening to our own stories with honesty, vulnerability and courage. Transformation is not about becoming something you are not by imposing rules and regulations. Transformation is becoming who you were always meant to be. I is integrating all the fractured and disordered parts of yourself into a whole, liberated, accepted self!
Authentic relationship with others
We are created for authentic relationship with one another. Living authentically allows us to be our true selves with one another without fear of rejection or judgement. We pursue authentic relationships with each other through small groups and learning skills that facilitate healthy conflict, fair fighting, believing the best and forgiving the worst.
Creative relationship with the world
Because of Jesus we are called to have a creative, and now restorative, relationship with the world. We get to join God in the work of the Spirit to bring hope, healing and justice to the broken places of this world. NewStory intentionally pursues racial justice, mental health justice, environmental sustainability and supporting Swift School.
“This is where our story begins. It’s where all our stories begin. We believe there is a Creator. We believe that Creator is madly in love with creation and will stop at nothing to bring us back home. We believe that all creation was made to be in relationship, and that when we are, we flourish, and when we are not...there is chaos.
That is how we define sin ~ disordered relationship...chaos...fear...shame.
And as for salvation ~ it is being made whole. It is freedom from feeling like you are not enough or that you are somehow deficient. It is finding a healing in each of the four core relationships.”