“What? Crucify your king?” Pilate asked. “We have no king but Caesar,” the leading priests shouted back. (John 19:15)
“But this is your moment, the time when the power of darkness reigns.” (Luke 22:53)
How does the rejection of Jesus as king in favor of Caesar reflect the tension between empire and the world that God imagines? In what ways do you hold allegiance to the values of empire over your allegiance to Christ?
Reflect on Jesus' willingness to endure condemnation and suffering for the sake of humanity. How does Jesus' sacrifice challenge our understanding of power and authority? In what ways can we emulate Jesus' example of sacrificial love in our own lives?
Reflect on the ways in which marginalized communities continue to face condemnation and oppression in society today. What is a small step you could take to work towards justice and liberation in solidarity with those who are marginalized and oppressed?